Sat, 24 May 2008 14:00 GMT
Afghan Copper lines
Afghanistan, MCIT invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for construction of 25,000 lines copper cable network in 7 new cities of Afghanistan. The contract is for complete work as a turn key project, including survey, planning, providing detailed design, supplying cables and necessary equipments, transportation, complete implementation and testing on single responsibility basis.

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:00 GMT
Privatization of ATC
Afghanistan, on 18/03/2008, MICT released a Request for Expressions of Interest (REI) in the sale of 80% of the shares (the 'Privatization') of Afghan Telecom Corporation. The details are posted in the Latest Tenders section of the web site. Interested Parties have until the 4th of April to submit their expressions of interest. This ambitious project aims at strengthening this promising telecommunications operator through the involvement of the private sector, and represents one of the most ambitious privatization projects in Afghanistan to date.