Wed, 13 Apr 2011 14:30 GMT
African Digital Divident

When African countries complete their migration from analogue to digital terrestrial television, they will free up a big chunk of valuable radio frequency spectrum that should, if managed properly, take wireless broadband to a much wider consumer audience. (source: TechCentral)

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 13:30 GMT
IEC's new members
Since the IEC 2009 GM held in Tel Aviv, IEC welcomed several new members. Chile, Oman, UAE joined as full members and Morocco, Jordan and Georgia joined as associate members, while Brunei Darussalam, Bolivia, El Salvador, Honduras, Namibia, Rwanda, Uruguay and Zambia joined as affiliate members.

Fri, 6 Feb 2009 12:00 GMT
African Telecom growing Fastest

Africa has the fastest growing telecommunication industry. A new survey by Ernst & Young released Thursday shows that between 2002 and 2007, the industry grew by 49.3 percent as opposed to Asia which recorded a 27.4 percent growth (source: ITnewsAfrica)